
Update on K. Kocevar

I thought this would be a good place to fill you in... Last Thursday, my mom, Klara, wasn't feeling well. After work on Friday, she came home and crashed in bed. She had flu-like symptoms. The symptoms went on all weekend, with no sign of improvement. Early Monday morning (around 3am), I got a call from her, saying she would like to go to the hospital. She wasn't getting better and thought she better get some help. They admitted her and she got up to the unit around 10am. Klara did have temporary relief (about 4 hours) because of the medications she received in ER. For a few days, they were unable to find what was wrong. Lab work was coming back normal, the initial chest x-ray was normal. It wasn't until Wednesday, when they did a CT scan of the chest and abdomen that they found out she has bilateral pneumonia.....it is in both lungs. Not fun. Klara continues to have fevers, chills, achy muscles, and feels weak. It won't be for another couple days when the antibiotics will get a hold of the infection and then hopefully, she will be feeling somewhat better.
A way that you could be of help is to pray and keep her in your thoughts. Pray that she will overcome this illness, that she would get relief soon from pain and "not feeling good". Also, you could pray that she would remain strong and pray for her family as they pull together to be of support to Klara. Thank you in advance for praying!


Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you posted this update - and the info to know where to find it! we are praying for kgk - trusting the Lord to do a major work in her recovery! iov

g said...

i'm praying for mom2...i have free time if it would be helpful to have someone visit her, or if you need things done around the house - since it's almost baby time...just give me a call.

love you and knowing that the Lord IS good!
