
Update #2 on KGK

It has been 1 week since my mom decided to go to the hospital. And she is still hospitalized. The pneumonia has worsened over the last 2 days. Breathing is getting more labored because of the increase fluids in both of her lungs. She goes down for a chest x-ray each morning so doctors can monitor the progression/regression of the pneumonia. Because my mom has been on IV maintenance fluids since the first day, she has been retaining fluid in her legs and ankles. Today, they stopped the IV fluids. She is only getting antibiotics, intravenously. For the last 5 days, the doctors have been prescribing massive doses of antibiotics to try and get a hold on the bacterial pneumonia.
The plan of care for this week is to investigate deeper to see if something else is going wrong inside her body. One doctor thinks its the gallbladder. So more testing and lab work will be done over the next few days. There is no sign of her going home. They won't discharge my mom until they get the pneumonia in control and they find out, if anything, if something else is the matter.
Please be in prayer for:
-that the pneumonia will decrease, and breathing will become easier
-the fluids she is retaining in her legs and ankles will be reabsorbed quickly so then the swelling will go down
-that the doctors will be able to figure out if anything else is going on "deeper" inside my mom's body
-continued strength, physically, for KGK
-that the relationships between KGK and the medical staff will be non stressful and therapeutic
-continued encouragement and strength for KGK's family

1 comment:

Joel said...

thanks for the updates