

Today at 5am, Benjamin headed to Galveston, Texas with his work. About 2 weeks ago, he started working for a small fence company. They put up temporary fences all around the Chicagoland area as well as northwest Indiana. Because of the hurricane in Galveston, a lot of temporary fences are needed so things can be rebuilt. Benjamin will be gone until late Saturday night/early Sunday morning.
How am I doing? I don't like the fact that I come home to an empty house. It's been lonely around here and he hasn't even been gone for 24 hours! I miss him already. We got pretty good at the long distance thing while we were dating. Its been awhile since we had to be a part. I look forward to his phone calls.
Meanwhile, I've been keeping busy with school, work, the pregnancy, and trying to get my mom well so she can get home from the hospital. Benjamin is such a support. He makes sure I get adequate sleep, drink plenty of water, etc. He takes care of me....sees to it that I don't over exert myself. I love him.
My first class of the semester, Psych, is completed this week...yay! Next on the list is advanced medical/surgical....for 6 weeks. I stand amazed at how fast the completion of nursing school is creeping up. It seems like I was just graduating high school, excited for the next big step in life. Lord willing, I'll get through the last semester with no problems.


mommyofgirls said...

Go Sara! I feel your pain with your husband missing. Mines gone 3 nights in a row every week. If I stay up really late I get a glimpse of him. The girls really miss him. We've been staying up later with Bible Study and Cubbies, so they get up later. Meaning that they sometimes get to see Bill too!

Anonymous said...

you are a gift from God. i am so grateful from the bottom of my heart for your nurturing care these past wks. words cannot express the depth of emotion that overflows in response to your selfless service on my behalf. both you and benjamin have been there for me in every way @ literally every hr of the day and night. thank you. xoxo