

On December 1, 2008....Rebekah Marie Rasmussen made her appearance! It was a cold snowy night when I went into labor. The first snow of the season, actually. How ironic. :-) The maternity unit was busy that night, too. I think the drop in barometric pressure might have something to do with it.

I labored for 3.5 hours total. It started at 10pm with my water breaking in the rocking chair. (I was actually on Facebook when my water broke.) They say sometimes you hear a pop. Well, in my case....I did hear a pop. I looked at Benjamin with wide eyes and said "I better go check it out....it feels like there is a relief of pressure." When I got to ER I was 8 cm and throwing up. Benjamin is a trooper, I must say. I was at the hospital for 1.5 hours before our new baby arrived. They were worried that the midwife wouldn't show up in time because of the bad snowy roads and because I was progressing so quickly. I was proud that I delivered without any pain meds. That was my first choice. I told Benjamin while in the car going to the hospital, that I was going to ask for some pain medication. Well, I was too far along and the med would affect Baby in a negative way.
Rebekah was born at 1:33 AM and weighed 7.5 pounds, 19 inches long. She is a pro at the sucking/swallowing coordination.

I felt good afterwards. That first shower after birth, is refreshing! I couldn't sleep that same night. I was overjoyed and looking forward to a Grandma visit before she had to go to work. The hospital provided us with a celebration dinner. That was delightful! Benjamin had steak. I had a glass of sparkling grapejuice with my meal. :-) We are so blessed with our new bundle of joy. Rebekah is a good baby. Eats well, sleeps for 2 hours at a time, and enjoys looking at the Christmas tree lights. I'll say she is the BEST Christmas present I have ever received!


mommyofgirls said...

Awwwwhhh. Go Sara!! I am so excited we get to introduce our bundle of joys to each other next week! Can't wait to see my best sister and my little niece. I love you!!!!!

Christa Forsythe said...

Thanks for sharing your story! Next baby you better just camp out at the hospital or the baby is going to come out in the car! Glad you guys are all doing okay! She sure is precious! Merry Christmas!