
Completion of Nursing School

After Rebekah was born, I had 3 days of clinical left. Fortunately, my instructor was kind of enough to work around things. I went to clinical that Thursday, and then next Tuesday. My instructor had me make up the clinical days......which then I could complete nursing school this semester. Thank you, Mrs. Black!
Another key part to the story is Benjamin's mom. She came and stayed with us for 10 days. She also helped me complete nursing school. Barb watched Rebekah while I was in clinical, taking exams, and getting some sleep. Thank the Lord for Grandma's!
Our church brought over meals for a week. That was a HUGE blessing.....we didn't have to think about what's for dinner or the bother of preparing it. Thank you, Homewood Church!
I couldn't have gotten through the last 2 weeks without my family and these key people. I am glad that school is behind me. I can actually enjoy my family.....Benjamin AND Rebekah!

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