
Doin' Laundry

Before I got smart....I did everything with Rebekah in my arms. I learned how to do things one-handed...even make a sandwich! My arms hurt after awhile, so then I put her in the basket and brought everything upstairs. So now I am a little smarter.....Rebekah is on her own more (which is a good thing for the both of us).
Benjamin and I always joke around that we need to start Rebekah young to learn chores. :-)
Life has been better with a new baby....thanks for a helpful book. It's amazing when you have order in your life and routine, how smoothly everything goes. Yes, we have our days....and thats when flexibility comes into play. But for the most part, we are pretty secure in our routine. I think even Rebekah is set in it. I am a little nervous about going back to work. How will everything play out? Will the plan work? I am not so sure about going back. I want to, but at the same time, I think I am going to miss my family.
I love them.


mommyofgirls said...

Yeah! I did that with both Autumn and Ana works out great, doesn't it? Hey, about work. You'll figure out a routine that will work for you and Rebekah (Benjamin too!) just like you have a great routine now. No fears, its Super Sara!!!

mommyofgirls said...

Congrats on Rebekah sleeping from 10-4. Doesn't that feel great? I think Alaina has only done that once. I'm looking forward to when it can happen most nights!

Christa Forsythe said...

You need a baby sling... those things are amazing! You can keep the baby real close and yet still get everything done. I personally love the front carriers.... baby b'jorn... are my fav!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your wedding and your baby! i know I'm a bit late -- but I've been out of touch, but Christa's blog took me to yours...Enjoy each precious moment they sure go by!
Heather (Hill)

Rasmussens said...

hey heather! wow...its been a long time, eh? you are in florida, right? and you have a little one??