
Mixed Feelings

Well, I went for a baby check-up today.....today is my estimated due date. I have approximately 4 hours until the due date is past. I am 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated. The progress from last week's check up?? 0.5cm more dilated. Not too much progress. I really really want to meet baby and have the joy of holding the tiny bundle. But, at the same time, it would be nice to finish up the semester still being pregnant. I have 3 clinical days left.....next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Then I am home free!!!
So how long will they let me go without inducing me? Well, they don't really start talking about induction until 10-12 days after the estimated due date. However, I have to go in for more frequent baby check ups. Instead of weekly, it's like every 5 days. They did a non-stress test today and plan to do one during the next appointment. Today's was negative....a good thing. Baby is happy in my belly.
Benjamin's mom is flying out here and staying for 10 days. She comes next week. It will be nice to see family. I just wish the whole Rasmussen family could join her.
We will let you know if any more progress with signs of baby coming into the world.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Yummy Recipe!

About 2 weeks ago, I was searching through a Taste of Home cookbook, hoping to find something interesting and yummy to make. The trick is that I look for something with ingredients that we have already in the house. It wasn't too long that I stumbled across meatballs in a cream sauce. I had everything but 1 ingredient (chicken broth). It was a lot of fun to make and better yet, the dish was approved by my husband!
So tonight, I've decided to indulge in meatballs and cream sauce, again. If I have the time to make it, I don't mind spending the energy to create the meatballs from scratch. I am eager to have my taste buds smiling. :-)
This morning, I had a baby checkup. 3 more weeks!! No signs of impending labor. We are excited to meet baby. Benjamin's mom is flying in and staying for a week in December. It will be a joy to see her and spend some family time.
Nursing school........almost done! 4 more weeks. I'm in my last class....precepting. It is such a relief to be done with the heavy duty material. I hope to learn a lot in clinicals and then apply it to when I take the state exam. I can't believe this is reality. :-)
Benjamin grew a beard. I wonder how the baby will take to it. :-) He is getting ready to start up school in the spring. Meanwhile, he is working full time with lots of overtime hours putting up temporary fences. I pray for his safety, often.


November Is Here!

November is here.....which means.....Baby is near! My official due date is November 26th. (The day before Thanksgiving) We really don't have Thanksgiving plans. We're thinkin' that we might request 2 plates on standby. We'll see. I am anxious for the BIG day! I have more week of class and then an exit nursing test. Yeah, kinda stressing about that test. It's amazing how everything is coming to be. You dream and plan for such a long time, then when it comes to reality....excitement builds all over again. I promise we will have baby pictures up as soon as the bundle of joy makes an appearance!