
7525 Van Buren Ave

Our new property that we call home.....

The Backyard. I will expand on it later on. The detached garage will be a separate post, too.

It's official....we are Hoosiers!!


Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans and I have a love-hate relationship. They are great when you have the windows open and have the fan going....plus they add light to the room. But putting them up was quite the job. This 1st fan is in our bedroom. We got it from Lowe's. It weighs 40lbs. The first time we got it up, it worked, but wobbily. 2nd try....not wobbily, but didn't work. Third time? .....there wasn't a 3rd time. We called out a friend of the family who is an electrician. He installed this one and the one in the baby room (below). Praise the Lord the fans are up!

The baby room fan is from Lowe's, also. Benjamin picked it out. I like it....it took a little while for it to grow on me. The lights on the fan are LED lights. I hope they last a long time, cause there are no replacements!

We have gotten a lot done from the "to-do" list. Including:
License plates for car
Driver's License for Benjamin and me
Pics up in our room
Paint touch-up around the light fixture
Rocking moose is a rockin'

As far as putting up house pictures.....I plan to blog about 1 room per day. I'm excited to tell you all about it!


More Happenings

Classes started for me yesterday. I have one class at a time....which is a good thing. Hopefully, this will be my last semester of nursing school. The first class is Psych, second is Advanced Med/Surg, and lastly, Role Synthesis. It will be a full and busy semester, but I am eager to get through it.
Yesterday I painted our pantry with a fresh coat of white satin. You see, our kitchen is rather small which makes for not a lot of space for the table and eating. We put the refrigerator that came with the house downstairs as a storage refridge and bought a smaller one to put in the pantry. Seems wacky, but I like all the extra room. We have quite a bit of cabinet space, so putting food in cabinets instead of the pantry was no problem. The project took all day, yesterday.....and is complete!
Still to do:
put up ceiling fans in both bedrooms,
put on Indiana license plate on car,
get Indiana drivers license for Benjamin and myself,
put up pictures on bedroom wall,
put up living room decor on wall,
touch up with paint around light fixture in hallway,
put together a rocking moose that Gma gave us,
and of course the house needs cleaning!


Odds + Ends

Today started with a fresh cup of coffee.....caramel bliss. My good friend gave me a couple packets as part as my b-day gift. What a nice way to start the day.
Benjamin was at work by 7:00 this morning. Summer is coming to a close, so Robinson is trying to get the jobs done.
When Benjamin got home at 11:30am, we headed over to the Bureau of Motor Vehicle for the state of Indiana. We couldn't get our drivers license, but we did get the title to our car transfered over in our names, we got Indiana license plates, and the registration filed. So we are getting things accomplished.
After the BMV, we stopped at Lowes, and picked up 2 ceiling fans. One for the baby room and one for our room. I think Lowes and Home Depot are our favorite home improvement stores. Benjamin started putting up the fans and I made lunch....BLTs....yum!
Tonight we are having supper with Uncle Walt and Aunt Joy. I think a stop to Ikea in Boilingbrook is a must!
Here are a few of my favorite pics from when we went to Montana:



refreshing......wireless internet is back up and running. Turns out that something had to be done outside, not with the modem. It works. We'll see how long it will last this time.
Benjamin has been working overtime all this week. I miss him when it gets like this. But it is the end of the summer which means busy busy for Robinson. He called me just a little bit ago to say he is on his way home. We'll probably sit down for supper around 7:30ish.
Now that we have internet, means pictures will be up shortly. Thanks for being patient.
Where we live, the houses are really close together and everyone parks on the street. It feels like Chicago. Anyways, we can hear/watch our next door neighbor's TV from our living room. We have our windows open, so as I type, I hear Wheel of Fortune going on. Its kind of annoying actually. I like quiet.....not white noise.
Baby is doing well. I am feeling great. I am actually enjoying being pregnant now. All the yucky feelings subsided. I can feel baby move around....kinda cool. Having a little one became more real when we got the baby room done. I am nervous, excited, anxious, and scared.....all at the same time! I hope to sign up for Lamaze classes soon.
Time to put supper on the table!


Internet Issues

Benjamin and I had our AT&T internet service transfered to our new home. It was supposed to be up and running on 08.05.08....last Tuesday. It didn't get connected until Thursday, 08.07.08. It worked for 2 days and then no more. And when it comes to AT&T customer service....they stink....badly. We did enjoy flawless, wireless internet for a couple of days. No internet for our home since Sunday. An AT&T technician is supposed to be coming out tomorrow sometime to "install" another modem. Apparently, the modem went bad, whatever that means. Good thing everything is still under warranty. So, it wasn't the connection, or the phone line, or the wireless setup....it is the actual modem.
The house is really coming along. We have pictures on our computer, but no internet to upload them to our page. Sooooo, we are trying to be patient over here. :-)
Today has been a relaxing day....much needed, I must say. Benjamin got me a massage for my b-day. My appointment was today, and it was GREAT! I went to the same place where my bachlorette party was. I think I fell asleep at some point during the massage. Yeah, it was that good.....thank you to Benjamin!
Benjamin has an appointment with a cardiologist this afternoon. His orginial Doc was out in Montana....but we needed to find someone around here. Today will be the first visit. We hope all goes well.
Seeing that I am at the library updating the blog, I have a limited amount of time on the internet. I need to sign off.
Ta Ta!!


More things done

When I left for work, the Baby room was getting ready for some paint. I look forward to when I get home to see what it looks like! The house is really coming along because alot of people are helping us out. :-) We hope to get some pictures up here soon.
Benjamin had a company picnic today....he had the nerve to take me along. But, it was a fun time. Good food, entertaining softball game, and nice people. I was ready for a little nap when we got home, but it was time for work.


By the way.....


Benjamin and I finished up another coat of primer this afternoon. We got home from work, opened the mail, and then headed to the baby room. The plan is to have it painted and have the furniture organized by the end of this weekend. The "to do" list is slightly getting shorter.


New Beginnings

Lots of new beginnings for the Rasmussen household!
Bought a home on our 1 year anniversary (07.28)
Baby #1 is due 11.26.08
Benjamin starts up school at Purdue in the Spring semester
And a blog to top things off.