Classes started for me yesterday. I have one class at a time....which is a good thing. Hopefully, this will be my last semester of nursing school. The first class is Psych, second is Advanced Med/Surg, and lastly, Role Synthesis. It will be a full and busy semester, but I am eager to get through it.
Yesterday I painted our pantry with a fresh coat of white satin. You see, our kitchen is rather small which makes for not a lot of space for the table and eating. We put the refrigerator that came with the house downstairs as a storage refridge and bought a smaller one to put in the pantry. Seems wacky, but I like all the extra room. We have quite a bit of cabinet space, so putting food in cabinets instead of the pantry was no problem. The project took all day, yesterday.....and is complete!
Still to do:
put up ceiling fans in both bedrooms,
put on Indiana license plate on car,
get Indiana drivers license for Benjamin and myself,
put up pictures on bedroom wall,
put up living room decor on wall,
touch up with paint around light fixture in hallway,
put together a rocking moose that Gma gave us,
and of course the house needs cleaning!