

It is 7:30pm and Benjamin is not home from work. He started at 5 0'clock this morning. What a long day! He has been putting in a lot of hours. It's the missing him part that I don't like. I've been trying to call his cell phone over the past hour....no answer. I am a little nervous. Hopefully, nothing major has gone wrong. I know I should rest easy because everything is in the Lord's hands. I need to remind myself of this often, right now.


Fall Season

A week ago, Benjamin and I bought a pumpkin with the intention of carving a face. Yesterday, Benjamin cleaned the pumpkin out and I carved the face! It was a lot of fun. We baked the pumpkin seeds, too.

Well, the end of my 2nd class is coming to a close. Just 2 more weeks of the class and clinical. It is a reminder to me how near baby is entering into this world. This past weekend, Benjamin and I attended the final session of childbirth class. We learned a lot. I hope it works when I go into labor. The class did decrease my fear about labor and the whole birthing process.

Benjamin is starting the process to enroll in spring semester classes at Purdue-Calumet. He has taken a year and a half off, so it will take some effort to get back into the swing of school. He is excited to start up again.


An Extra Day

Last night, I was preparing for clinical this morning. While doing so, I received a phone call from one of my classmates, saying that clinical has been canceled and to check the school website. Sure enough, our instructor is sick and canceled today's clinical. In a way, it is a blessing. I didn't have to be out of the house by 6am. And I have all day to catch up on homework and housework!
Lately, Benjamin has been starting work at 5am. He gets home around 2:30pm, which is sooooo nice. Its like we still have a day together. I like hanging out with him! (This pic is an older one from when we were dating)


Benjamin to Texas

A few weeks ago, Benjamin went down to Galveston, Texas with work. They put up a lot of temporary fences around sites that will be rebuilt. I thought I would post some
pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Meanwhile, at the ol' homestead in Hammond, life has gotten quite busy. I am 33 weeks into my first pregnancy (7 more wks to go!).....and I am feeling it. Whew. At my last appointment, I was found to be slightly anemic. I was a 10....normal is 12. So, I am taking some iron supplements and feeling much more energetic! School has me going crazy. I am taking one class, but I feel like it is a full time job. Demanding! I am almost done with nursing school, so the pressure is on to know the material and complete assignments without fault. Basically, if I am not at work, I am doing school stuff. And some how baby appointments get thrown into the mix. Thank the Lord for a wonderful husband who takes care of me!